Apparition of Mary of the Violet Heart

The Master Mary appeared to Ariadne as
Mary of the Violet Heart.
A message from Master Mary,
"Dear Ones, I ask you to hold the light of the purifying violet heart of my son in your own heart to find your peace. Then you will create peace in the world."
Mary of the Violet Heart appeared to Ariadne during the Bosnian War. Master Mary dictated a letter to Ariadne addressed to each of the delegates participating in the Dayton Conference, which took place from November 1 - 21,1995.
Little did Ariadne know that her commitment to Mary of the Violet Heart to be her messenger would be put to the test in 1995 when The Blessed Master Mary, dictated a letter to Ariadne addressed to each of the delegates participating in the Dayton Conference.
Ariadne thought long and hard about sending the letters, wondering if she would be approached by authorities as someone delusional, having sent letters from the Mary to the delegates of the peace talks. However, she did as she was asked, hoping the letters would reach the intended ones. The Master Mary assured Ariadne that the energy and intentions of the letters would indeed permeate the conference no matter who read them.
Ariadne sent the letters to each delegate, the President of the Republic of Serbia Slobodan Milošević (whom the Bosnian Serbs had previously empowered to represent their interests), President of Croatia Franjo TuÄ‘man, and President of Bosnia and Herzegovina Alija Izetbegović.
The Dayton accords were signed on December 14,1995.